Wish Your Body Looked Like The Effort You Put Into Your Workouts?

Let me show you the missing piece to your training routine...

The Fit Body Formula

A FREE 5-Day Fitness + Mindset Challenge For Fitness-Loving Women Over 35 Who Want Their Bodies To Actually Look Like They Workout - Starting February 20th! 
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Copyright 2019 - Natalie Newhart Health, All Rights Reserved
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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You Should Have a Body That Looks Way More Fit, But You Don't.... WHY?

Us, fitness-loving women, are different than “normal” women. 

We don’t struggle with the same challenges as the general public. 

We don’t struggle with getting to the gym. We don't struggle struggle with eating fast food. We’re "good" at that stuff. 

Where we struggle is on the other end of the spectrum. 

We struggle with NOT going to the gym. 
We struggle NOT getting our steps in. 
We struggle with NOT counting our macros. 
We struggle with NOT following 'the plan'. 
Because you don't struggle with the things most women struggle with, you need a diet that's different from what most women are doing. 

You don't have a calorie issue. 
You have a stress issue. 

This is why your workouts aren't working for you. 

You don't need a calorie diet. You need a stress diet.

This is what I'm going to teach you inside the 5-Day Fit Body Formula Challenge.

The Average Woman Loses 2-6 lbs Over The 5 Days WITHOUT Stressing Over Food or Spending More Time Working Out.

How It Works:

Let's be real... You're not gonna have a total mind and body transformation in just 5 days. However, every woman who has had a total transformation with me has started with these 5 days. The goal of this Challenge is to teach you the skills you need to get your body to look more lean and athletic by reducing mental, physical, and emotional stress. By the end of these 5 days, you can expect to see more definition, eliminate bloat, have more energy, and have more peace of mind when it comes to food and exercise. These 5 days will be the launchpad for the next 5 years. We will accomplish these results by executing my propietary 3I System:

  • Inner Training.  Just as you train your body, we need to train your mind. You'll be given a variety set of mindset tasks to complete each day so that your mind is less anxious and overwhelmed, and your diet & workouts can work again.
  • Intuitive Training. You'll learn how to connect to, listen to, and train with more intention so that you create more ease in the body and don't create elevated hunger and craving levels. 
  • Intentional Eating. You'll learn how to eat with more awareness and mindfulness so that you don't under-eat, over-eat, or stress about food at all.

What You Get:

  • Diet Structure ($199 Value): An easy to follow 3-2-1 meal plan based on YOUR personal preferences of food. All intuitive. No counting necessary.
  • Workout Structure: ($149 Value): A simple and sustainable 3-2-1 exercise plan designed specifically for the fitness-loving woman over 35. Only dumbbells required.
  • Rest Structure: ($99 Value): Having a set of effective recovery drills is the secret to getting a more lean, athletic-looking body. I will personally lead you through my favorite R&R drills live, so your workouts actually work again.


What REAL Women Are Saying...

The Average Woman Loses 2-6 lbs over the 5 Days WITHOUT stressing over food or spending more time in the gym.


Hi, I'm Nat!

I'm looking so forward to having you in the FREE Fit Body Formula challenge! 

I cannot wait to show you the missing link to your training routine so that you can finally have the body that actually looks like you fitness. 

I used to be just like you. 

I spent years exhausting myself in the gym almost every day with very little in return. Internally, I was pretty fit, but on the outside I looked "average". 

It wasn't until I travelled the world and learned some very key pieces that allowed my body to look and feel more athletic and alive. 

My personal exercise philosophy is short-duration, high-intensity, so all workouts are 15 minutes or less, and will have you breathless and burning, baby! Metabolic Conditioning workouts help you maintain muscle while upping the shred factor. 

After 17 years in the fitness industry, I see that so many fitness-loving women over 35 are struggling with this same issue. The Fit Body Formula Challenge was born out of the desire to show you how to get the body you deserve, and to do it with other like-minded, fitness-loving women over 35!

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Copyright 2019 - Natalie Newhart Health, All Rights Reserved